Thursday, May 24, 2012

Alive and Well

For the few who read this blog and may be wondering...yes I'm still here and no I haven't given up on or forgotten this blog! I just took a little bit of an unplanned "get away" from the blog world for a bit....both reading all my fave blogs and writing on my own. But I'm back and feeling ready to go!

My mission trip is now a little more than a month away! So many emotions as I get ready to leave. But mostly excitement. Excitement for many things - especially what God is going do to me through this experience! I was talking with a friend recently about how we take mission trips to help others, but there is a "good selfishness" (if that makes sense) aspect to mission trips because you know you will gain so much from the trip as well and not just those you are going to serve. Some people argue - Why fundraise and spend thousands of dollars to go there when you could simply give that money to a charity? Well, there are times when giving may be better served, but Jesus also said to go into all the world and show his love, make disciples. Sometimes the giving of a dollar can do that, and sometimes its the human interaction. Also, there is no denying when you feel God's calling on your heart to do something.

I did my first 5k! I did have to walk some - but come on, for this absolute non-runner to decide 7 weeks out that she would attempt a 5k was quite a fete itself! And I finished running. So I am proud I even tried. It fit in with my "just go for it" motto of 2012 :) And I am signed up for another one in July so I guess the craziness will continue....

Tomorrow I am getting my tattoo. I talked about this in a previous post, and the time has come :) It is a very emotional thing for me. It will be pretty simple looking, but there is a lot of meaning going into it. I  have had a working idea of it in my mind for around four years now. Look for pictures and the meaning explained in an upcoming post :)

I just love my church. It is the most "real" group of people I have been associated with. That is not saying I have not been a part of good churches in the past. A lot of it has to do with my own personal growth and my first time as an adult truly being part of a church. But I so, so, so encourage anyone who is reading this to find the same church for themselves. One where you can go when things are great and when things are so messed up and there is love with no judgment either way. Every church should ideally be this way. But I guess what I'm saying is - Don't give up on finding a church that feels like home if you haven't yet. And if you want to come to one in Fort Wayne - May I suggest Christ's Church @ Georgetown :)

I will end with some precious pics of my boys. Life is good!

My sweet blessings

1st Year of T-ball! Go #14!

 Future bookworm like his Mama?

Last day of preschool :) (Don't worry, he has since gotten a haircut, ha!)