Friday, December 23, 2011

Attempting to live "Covered in His dust"

Welcome! - to anyone who may ever wander across this page in the large landscape of the Internet. I have been considering starting a blog for a while now, but it just hadn't come to be. For the past few years I have found and faithfully followed several blogs which have been such an encouragement to me. I have no doubt the Lord was involved in this, because nearly 100% of these blogs are authored by strong Christian women. I have seen for others and myself so many positives from the blogging community, which I have been a lurker in for quite some time :) Isn't it crazy that women in other parts of the country and world have sat down at the computer in the middle of their everyday lives, and touched me and many others through their words?? I also enjoy the "journal" aspect of a blog....being able to go back and look at a snapshot of your life at a certain time.

So while I consider myself, my life, and my thoughts no more special than any other's, I felt the desire to start my own blog. To put my own thoughts about continually trying to learn more and draw closer to God(and not always succeeding!) as we live the ordinary, everyday life....and maybe I can "pay it forward" in a way. If one person is encouraged, or intrigued in some way to learn more about a relationship with Jesus Christ - that will be awesome! And if no one really does wander across this blog(except for my Mom, I know she will come!), well, I will at least have the online journal to look back on :)

So what will I be blogging about? As I said, just an everyday life. I am a Christian, wife, and stay-at-home Mommy to two little boys. In the last few years I have really "rediscovered" my faith in a way. I have a longing to learn more, do more, be more for God....than I ever have before. Do I always succeed at that? Noooooo way :) But he loves me anyway :) So join me in my journey!

And just what exactly does living a life "covered in His dust" mean? I first learned about this in the book not a fan. by Kyle Idleman. I strongly suggest this book!! "May you be covered in his dust" is a Jewish saying that originated from the idea of students of Rabbis constantly following their teacher to learn as much as possible from them. They were literally with him all day, every day. That saying really stuck with me for some reason, as I considered it such a great parallel of how I want to live my life with Jesus a constant part of it. I pray in some way big or small this little blog can be a part of that :)

If you stuck through to the end, thank you! I pray everyone has a wonderful Christmas weekend, and amid all the hustle and bustle can take time to sit back and remember the birth of Jesus, the reason for it all :)

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