Thursday, March 29, 2012


Do you know how a particular smell can take you right back to a certain place and time? Today Carsten asked for strawberry milk...

(Well he actually always calls it raspberry milk for some reason. I say "Don't you mean strawberry?" and he laughs and says "Ya, the pink milk!") :)

So I poured the milk and opened the mix. I got a little whiff of that pink powder and was transported back in time to my Grandma and Grandpa's kitchen when I was a little girl, not much older than Carsten, staying on night with my brothers.

Please know my Grandma is the best cook I know. There are many food smells that take my mind straight to her and most of them are homemade, with love being the main ingredient. But just a tiny little bit of that Nesquik and my mind was right back there, looking up at her as she stirred my milk from white to pink. Carsten quickly grabbed the cup from my hand and was off to play, but for a few moments part of me was still my Grandma's kitchen with no cares in the world.

It's not always a smell. Sometimes its a song. Or being at a particular place. Something that unleashes the flood of memories in your mind and no matter how long its been you are right there again, experiencing those emotions anew. It can be positive things, but also hurtful. I have so many different ones that I can pinpoint throughout my childhood. After stirring that milk this morning it got me thinking, what will my children's be? What things will take them right back to their childhood? And will the good outweigh the bad?

Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed when I really sit and think about the magnitude of responsibility it is to raise a little person from birth til they are out on their own. There are so many books, styles of parenting, classes, etc. that tell you the perfect way to raise children. What you should and should not do to ensure that they turn out "normal" and won't hate you forever once they become a teenager. Yikes. For me it is a battle between being the relaxed parent, yet enforcing guidelines, to the perfectionist wanting to give them every experience possible. And I'm only four years in!

I can't live my life trying to ensure that every memory my child has of their childhood will be picturesque and perfect. That will just stress me out. At the end of the day I can't dwell on the fact that I lost my patience at one point and forget about the sweet moments I did have. I can only give it all to God - including my children - and do my best with His divine help. They are His before they are mine. And they are only "mine" for such a short time, really. So yes, while once in a while I worry if my sons will always think I'm the greatest mom - I don't ever allow myself to spend too much time on that thought. Because I know the enemy feeds on my insecurities and I can't allow him even a bit of a foothold there. I have a job to do. It pays in slobbery kisses, temper tantrums, long days, late nights, sweet smiles, dirty diapers, piles of laundry, precious I love yous, laughter, hugs, and so many memories.

One day in the future Carsten may be stirring a glass of strawberry milk for his son or his daughter. They will be off to play and he will be standing in his kitchen, looking out the window and back in time with a memory of his Mama playing in his mind that feels so real its almost like he could reach out and touch me at twenty-five with his four year old hand.

Oh how I pray the memory is sweet as raspberry strawberry pink milk.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Thankful Tuesday

Today I am starting something new, a weekly post called "Thankful Tuesday". This idea comes from one of the blogs I read, The Fisher Family. Ashley, the author, inspires me so with her clear desire to continually learn more about God and draw closer to him. I really liked the idea of making it a point to identify some things you are thankful for that week. How often do we really think of those things? We can get caught up in our lives so quickly that we forget all we have to truly to be thankful for. So I'm excited for the first Thankful Tuesday over here in my corner of blog land :)

I'm thankful to wake up to these 2 cuties calling me Mama.
(Well, Carsten says that...Royce currently just squeals and smiles when I get him out of the crib.)

I am thankful for my health,
for time with family this past weekend,
that we found such an awesome church. Seriously, so, so thankful.

I am thankful for my new phone.
I upgraded.
The apps have been great, and yes I know I'm late to this party.
A Bible app for a daily devotion sent straight to my phone.
Fitness app to keep track of calories/Couch to 5K running app.
The Kindle app saved me when I finished The Hunger Games and was in place 76 on the wait list for Catching Fire at my library, and I just could. not. wait. :)

I'm thankful for a little date with my hubby.
Firehouse Subs and The Hunger Games movie.
I read it(see above). He had not(I know, so sad).
We both enjoyed it :)

I'm thankful for my dear Grandma.
She is such an inspiration to me in so many ways.
This weekend she gave me the devotional Jesus Calling.
It is so special knowing it came from her.

Just a few things, some deep, some not so deep, that I am taking a moment to say thank you for.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.
Psalm 136:1

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Chance to Help

One of the many benefits of having a blog is being able to share things with others that I believe in.
Tom Davis is the author of Red Letters: Living a Faith That Bleeds, which is an amazing book that was a huge part in spurring me towards going on my mission trip (Read it!! Please!). He is the founder of Children's Hopechest, whose mission is "that every orphan has the right to know God, experience the blessing of family, and have the opportunity to develop independent living skills." I think that's a mission we can all get behind, right?

Right now Children's Hopechest is selling t-shirts to support orphans in Haiti and victims of sex slave trading in Moldova. Hopefully you know there are over 147 million orphans in the world, but do you know how prevalent sex slavery is in our world? It is devastating. And it happens on the other side of the world and also right here in the United States. And often to such young girls. My heart breaks. But I can do something, and so can you.

Each time one of these shirts from Children's Hopechest are purchased you are helping to make a difference. I have found when I've bought shirts for similar causes in the past, they always start conversations when I wear them. Which is another awesome way to help spread awareness. An added bonus when you purchase a shirt? You are entered for a free mission trip through Children's Hopechest! Please read the following from Tom Davis, and consider helping make a difference!

27 million. That’s the estimated number of modern day slaves. Including all forms of slavery such as child labor, forced prostitution, domestic servitude, debt bondage, etc. 27 million. For comparison, 27 million people is triple the population of New York City. 27 million is the combined population of Florida and Georgia.

Imagine every man woman and child in Atlanta, Miami, Orlando and everywhere in between being forced into slavery.

Now here’s an easier number to grasp. Eight. That’s not hard for me. I have 9 people in my family. I have friends with more. Eight people is four couples on a date. Eight is a youth basketball team. Eight is a small number. Nearly insignificant.

Today we need to care about the eight. Right now in Moldova there are 8 women living in the Beginning of Life rehabilitation center for the survivors of human trafficking. Just eight women live there, trying to rebuild the most delicate and complex parts of their lives.

Each has a different story played in the same key. Tricked, trafficked, and trashed.

Their bodies were used for profit. They were created in the image of God, and through the work of evil people they were systematically abused in the most profound ways. But their story didn’t end there…

Today you can care for these eight women. Right now they are going about their daily routine at the Beginning of Life home, working with counselors and therapists to journey toward healing and wholeness.
You can help.

[Click here to buy a Shirt]

It may seem like buying a shirt is no big deal.
Here’s why I think it is:

1. It provides financial support. Your purchase provides funding for these 8 women, and the next 8, and the 8 after them. Rehabilitation is long-term, and expensive.

2. It will start conversations. When asked about it, you can share the story of the Beginning of Life home in Moldova, and bring even more people to the cause.

3. It’s a starting point. Get more involved in justice and trafficking issues this year. There’s lots more you can do to fight slavery, this one just happens to be buying a shirt.

We all start somewhere, usually at the “beginning.” That’s one reason why I love the name of our partner ministry in Moldova, “Beginning of Life.” For these women, it is a new beginning. One you can be part of and support today.

[Click here to buy a shirt to help support these women's rehabilitation from sex trafficking.]

Don't have the money to buy a shirt right now? You can still make a difference by praying for those who are being affected by the sex slave industry right now and all those without a family to call their own. Thank you!