Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Thankful Tuesday

Today I am starting something new, a weekly post called "Thankful Tuesday". This idea comes from one of the blogs I read, The Fisher Family. Ashley, the author, inspires me so with her clear desire to continually learn more about God and draw closer to him. I really liked the idea of making it a point to identify some things you are thankful for that week. How often do we really think of those things? We can get caught up in our lives so quickly that we forget all we have to truly to be thankful for. So I'm excited for the first Thankful Tuesday over here in my corner of blog land :)

I'm thankful to wake up to these 2 cuties calling me Mama.
(Well, Carsten says that...Royce currently just squeals and smiles when I get him out of the crib.)

I am thankful for my health,
for time with family this past weekend,
that we found such an awesome church. Seriously, so, so thankful.

I am thankful for my new phone.
I upgraded.
The apps have been great, and yes I know I'm late to this party.
A Bible app for a daily devotion sent straight to my phone.
Fitness app to keep track of calories/Couch to 5K running app.
The Kindle app saved me when I finished The Hunger Games and was in place 76 on the wait list for Catching Fire at my library, and I just could. not. wait. :)

I'm thankful for a little date with my hubby.
Firehouse Subs and The Hunger Games movie.
I read it(see above). He had not(I know, so sad).
We both enjoyed it :)

I'm thankful for my dear Grandma.
She is such an inspiration to me in so many ways.
This weekend she gave me the devotional Jesus Calling.
It is so special knowing it came from her.

Just a few things, some deep, some not so deep, that I am taking a moment to say thank you for.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.
Psalm 136:1

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