Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thankful Tuesday

Well after missing last week - for no good reason, really - I am back for Thankful Tuesday :)

I am thankful for my husband. I know no matter what that man will never leave my side. He makes sure I know how much he loves me. So grateful for the man God gave me to spend my life with.

I'm thankful for the sweet sounds I hear coming from Carsten's bedroom down the hall. We put him to bed but he is currently in a conversation with his stuffed animals.

Thankful for God's timing in all aspects of my life. It's funny how I can look back and see his hand at work, yet sometimes its hard to remember that while thinking of the future. Anyone else deal with that? You know, the whole being human thing?

My mission trip is officially PAID for! Anything more that is donated will go towards donations I will be taking. SO thankful for that!!

What are you thankful for this week?

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17

Friday, April 13, 2012

Mom to Boys

If you are visiting from Kelly's Korner, welcome! I am linking up to today's post for Moms of all boys.

In 2008 we were blessed with Carsten....

Then in 2011 little Royce came along...

I am blessed to be able to stay home with these two, and I thank God for that everyday. I am what you would call a "girly girl", so playing trucks and building castles and forts and helping dress a little superhero in his costume isn't something that I would guess would come naturally to me. But I do it, and I enjoy it! I take great pride in raising these little boys to be men of God.

I am fairly new to blogging, but much of what I have written about so far has to do with parenting these two. So if you feel you can relate - please hang out and introduce yourselves! I have already seen what a great community the blogging world can be and I'm excited to make some friendships!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Thankful Tuesday

It is Thankful Tuesday again, a weekly roundup of a few things my heart is feeling thankful for!

This little cutie is 8 months old today.
This last month was pretty big - his first few teeth and sitting up all on his own!
Thankfully, teething hasn't been too hard on him.

Thankful for this reminder in my Jesus Calling devotion today:
"Things that are visible are brief and fleeting, while things that are invisible are everlasting."

Feeling overwhelming gratefulness for all who have contributed to my trip to Ethiopia.

I'm thankful I completed the first week of my couch to 5k app and am still alive to type about it.
That's a big deal when you have never, ever liked to run.
Really - that's possibly the most I've ran since junior high track.
It's just not my thing.

But - a friend asked me to do a 5k with her, and to keep myself accountable,
I said yes.
I am thankful for accountability.
Because between you and me, there ain't no other way I would be running a 5k!

Finally, I am thankful that on this upcoming weekend we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Without him, without his death, without his resurrection,
I would not have the life I have.

His mercies are new everyday.
And for that, I am thankful.