Friday, April 13, 2012

Mom to Boys

If you are visiting from Kelly's Korner, welcome! I am linking up to today's post for Moms of all boys.

In 2008 we were blessed with Carsten....

Then in 2011 little Royce came along...

I am blessed to be able to stay home with these two, and I thank God for that everyday. I am what you would call a "girly girl", so playing trucks and building castles and forts and helping dress a little superhero in his costume isn't something that I would guess would come naturally to me. But I do it, and I enjoy it! I take great pride in raising these little boys to be men of God.

I am fairly new to blogging, but much of what I have written about so far has to do with parenting these two. So if you feel you can relate - please hang out and introduce yourselves! I have already seen what a great community the blogging world can be and I'm excited to make some friendships!


  1. Your boys are precious! I have 3 little guys...almost 4, 2.5 and 3 months. Our posts sound very similar! Have a good weekend :)

  2. saw your post on kelly's korner. it was funny b/c i titled mine 2 indiana boys :)

    where are you from in indiana? we have a 7 yr old and a 2 yr old

    1. We are in Ft. Wayne! How about you? I visited your blog, your boys are precious! :)

  3. Found your blog from Kelly's Korner. I'm from Indiana as well...I have a 6 month old baby boy. :)

    1. Awesome! Its always fun finding fellow bloggers close to home :) I will go visit your blog soon!

  4. Such sweet boys! Isn't blogging fun? I just love "meeting new people" through the blogging world. When were your boys born? I have a December 2008 and an August 2011

    1. Thank you! Yes I've really enjoyed blogging so far. This is my first link-up- so far visiters to my blog have mostly been people I know in real life :) So this is fun having new people visit! I have a March 2008 and August 2011 so I bet we have very similar lives! I will definately go visit your blog :)

  5. Hi Libby! I saw your comment on my blog about your upcoming trip with OH to Ethiopia! Girl - I am SO jealous!! I would love to go on one of their trips!!!! I CANNOT wait to hear all about it...I know you will have an incredible, life-changing experience!! And, I will pray for God's clear direction regarding adoption for your family:)! That is so exciting!!

    1. Aw thanks for visiting my blog - you're too sweet! Just think though when you go to Ethiopia it will be to meet your child! Talk about life-changing! But yes, I know my whole world will soon be rocked and that is exactly what I've been asking God for. I so appreciate your prayers!!!
