Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Thankful Tuesday

It is Thankful Tuesday again, a weekly roundup of a few things my heart is feeling thankful for!

This little cutie is 8 months old today.
This last month was pretty big - his first few teeth and sitting up all on his own!
Thankfully, teething hasn't been too hard on him.

Thankful for this reminder in my Jesus Calling devotion today:
"Things that are visible are brief and fleeting, while things that are invisible are everlasting."

Feeling overwhelming gratefulness for all who have contributed to my trip to Ethiopia.

I'm thankful I completed the first week of my couch to 5k app and am still alive to type about it.
That's a big deal when you have never, ever liked to run.
Really - that's possibly the most I've ran since junior high track.
It's just not my thing.

But - a friend asked me to do a 5k with her, and to keep myself accountable,
I said yes.
I am thankful for accountability.
Because between you and me, there ain't no other way I would be running a 5k!

Finally, I am thankful that on this upcoming weekend we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Without him, without his death, without his resurrection,
I would not have the life I have.

His mercies are new everyday.
And for that, I am thankful.


  1. Coincidence- I just started C25K yesterday...and I have never been a runner. In fact, I hate it with PASSION! But my sister-in-law talked me into running a 5k with her...so I'm registered and everything! Ahhhhhhh!

    1. Ha! You sound very much like me in regards to running! I didn't run yesterday and my husband and I were in the car and we saw someone running and I said "That should be me right now to get ready for my race!" and my hubby said "I never in my whole life thought I would hear those words come out of your mouth!" haha. So I feel ya! The C25K is an 8 wk program and my race is 7 wks from when I started so ya, yikes!!! :)

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