Thursday, June 28, 2012

Countdown to Africa: 1 Week!

I am less than one week away from boarding a plane headed to Africa. While the pile of donations and personal things to pack that have taken over our bedroom, the anti malaria pill I just took, and the constant "Are you ready yet??" questions are a continual reminder of how close it is times I still can't believe I'm going. I'm so ready though. I know God is going to do big things through our team and in my heart. I felt that before this week, but that belief has been bolstered the last few days.

I firmly believe Satan knows what is coming in my life and is trying to derail my positive, excited attitude and my growing relationship/dependence on my Lord and Savior. Tuesday evening I was great! Ended the day with a great Bible study with some girlfriends. Woke up Wed. to some unexpected news that affects us financially. Instead of working my brain about how I could "fix" it, I prayed and read the Bible. And cried to him, because he knew it was coming long before I and he will provide. He always does!

I also woke up with a swollen, itchy pinky finger. Weird, right? I had pulled weeds(sans gloves) Tuesday night, so the only thing I can think of is I got into something or bit by something. I felt a little itchy all day, then around 7 last night I literally broke out in hives all over my body. So strange, I don't have any allergies so this was my first experience like that. I took some benadryl and got relief from the itching over night. My rash is a little better today, but still a bit uncomfortable.

As I was thinking over these things I realized Satan is trying to steal my joy and peace over this trip. He wants me uncomfortable and worried. Too bad. My God has gone before me, and I know the outcome. He wins the ultimate battle. I may still have a rash when I get on the plane next week but my focus will not be deterred from my purpose.

So who knows what else may happen before I leave! I pray everything goes smoothly of course, but again, it is in God's hands so therefore I have nothing to worry about :) To God be the glory when his perfect will comes to fruition!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you as you prepare! Africa is my favorite place in all the world. Hope you are as blessed in your travels as I was in mine(I went twice last year). :)
