Sunday, June 17, 2012

Once again, I'm still here!

Well I am back. Hopefully this time a little more regularly, but no promises considering my recent track record! It seems this summer I have fallen into a routine where I just haven't been on the computer as much, and while there are things I miss about reading blogs, pinterest, and all the rest the internet has to offer when I'm not on for a while....its also nice to take a break from being so "plugged in". It also didn't help the situation when Nick's foot and our laptop had an unfortunate meeting by accident and it is currently out of comission :) so this evening I decided to download the blogger app for my phone and try it out.

My trip is fast approaching. I decided to go last fall, and I must say it is pretty cool all that I have already learned and experienced - and I haven't even left yet. I am starting to get everything around to pack up in these next few weeks. The first trip of the summer for Ordinary Hero is currently in Ethiopia, and it is so thrilling to read the blog and follow their trip and know in a few short weeks I will be experiencing it all first hand!

To follow up on my last post, I did get my tattoo! The pain was nowhere near what I was worried it would be. If you have been in labor, you could handle a tattoo :) I am so pleased with the final result. It means a lot to me. I will do another post on that once I figure out how to add pictures with this app, ha!

Carsten has been enjoying his first season of tball, and we have just 2 games left. We are having a laid back summer and lots of fun, but he does keep asking when school starts again(I'm anxious to see how many years that question will last!).

Royce is so precious. Just the most laid back, relaxed, content, happy baby :) so content in fact that at 10 months we do not have a crawler quite yet, more of a roller :) and not all table food yet, because this little boy just doesn't care to chew quite yet either! I have a feeling all those changes will come at once and soon though. Almost a year old, I can't believe it!

I think I will finish this up for tonight because doing this on my phone I feel like I just typed the worlds longest text message, ha!

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