Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Thankful Tuesday

Back again for Thankful Tuesday! This week I am thankful Nick and I have parents who love being grandparents and are so involved in our sons lives. I am also thankful we live close to both sides of our families. In the future we may move for Nick's job, there is no way of knowing right now. So I am going to be very thankful for the present and all the time we have with them close right now :)

I am thankful for the women's Bible study I am doing with some friends from church this summer!

Thankful to have found a great hair stylist, ha! I had my appointment this evening, and it is so great to just relax and feel a little pampered every 6 weeks - am I right?? :)

Finally I'm thankful for HGTV this week, haha. We are getting ready to re-paint some rooms and I love getting inspired while watching because the professionals are obviously much better at those decisions than me! :)

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