Monday, January 23, 2012

Catchin' Up

Well it has been over a week since my last post..oops! That's not quite the consistency I was going for, but lately that beats my consistency in my workouts so I'll take it :) let me take a moment to set my alarm for my workout tomorrow morning...

Okay :) At the recommendation of my minister(and friend!) Chris, I am reading The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning. So far, soo good. Do you struggle with the concept of grace? Is it hard to apply it to your every day life, and learn to let go of your past mistakes and live in the present? Well, then like me this book is for you, dear friend.

There have been soo many good passages in the book so far. It's great because I checked it out from the library and obviously someone who had it before me thought so too because they took the liberty to underline, mark, and star all over - I love a book that has been well loved :) I have to share one of my fave passages just in case it touches anyone else like it has me...

"In conversation, the disciple who is truly poor in spirit always leaves the other person with the feeling, "My life has been enriched by talking with you." This is neither false modesty nor phony humility. His or her life has been enriched and graced. He is not all exhaust and no intake. She does not impose herself on others. He listens well because he knows he has so much to learn from others. Her spiritual poverty enables her to enter the world of the other when she cannot identify with that world...
The poor man and woman of the gospel have made peace with their flawed existence. They are aware of their lack of wholeness, their brokeness, the simple fact that they don't have it all together. While they do not excuse their sin, they are humbly aware that sin is precisely what has caused them to throw themselves at the mercy of the Father. They do not pretend to be anything but what they are: sinners saved by grace."

I truly hope and pray I can be anything close to that kind of disciple in my interactions with others!

My sweet friend Alicia recently had to move to Mississippi for over a year while her hubby completes training for the Air Force. Alicia has been such an inspiration to me since we met! We decided we would be accountability partners for memorizing 2 verses a month. I haven't memorized scripture since I was a kid. There is a reason it says in the Bible to learn the verses and hide it in your heart.....because it helps. So grateful to be doing this with a friend!
Now I better get to sleep before that alarm for my workout comes way too soon :)

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