Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Friendship Bread Failure

I had never heard of friendship bread until recently. My sweet friend Amanda sent me a text and said she had three starters for friendship bread and would I like one? I replied with "Umm...what is friendship bread?? :)"  So after laughing at me she went on to explain that it is basically a bag of ingredients that are the start of homemade bread. You then do a little something to the bag for several days, be it just mashing up the mixture or adding a few ingredients, until it is time to bake! Sounds good(and fairly easy), right??

So I accepted this little bag of possibilities and set it on my kitchen counter. I took the recipe card that Amanda had hand-written the instructions on. For the first few days it wasn't much, just mashing up the mixture a bit. I was successful at my mashing on days one and two. But then I got busy....it was the week before Christmas and I was doing lots of baking in my kitchen.....and that poor little bag got pushed to the back of the counter and forgotten.....

Fast forward a few days. Nick is in the kitchen. He sees a bag of what appears to be....well..."mush" for lack of a better term and wonders what it is. So he opens the Ziploc bag and sticks his nose in it... Let's just say he got a rude surprise with the aroma that wafted out.....it wasn't very "friendly" :) And I was outed as a very bad person to give a friendship bread starter to. I haven't fessed up to Amanda yet(mostly because I haven't seen her since this happened!) I know she will laugh at me forgetting....in the long run ruined friendship bread isn't too big of a deal, but I really don't want to be a failure as a friend.

If you are like me then perhaps you can relate. You have the best intentions to call that friend that has been on your mind, check in with the one you haven't seen in a while, send a letter to one who has been going through a rough time. But it doesn't get done. You are busy doing life and at the end of the day when you are laying in bed you think "Oh....I will do that tomorrow!" But the next night you are thinking "Oops...definitely tomorrow". I am trying to be better at this. That means not waiting til I have perfect peace and quiet to pick up the phone, because really - when does a Mommy of 2 little boys ever have perfect peace and quiet??

I have found as a stay-at-home Mom that sometimes its easy to get lost in my own little world. It revolves around 2 sweet little boys and my husband, and right now I wouldn't change that for the world. But there are times when I have to remind myself life is continuing to go on outside my door and I need to continue to foster those relationships I have with my sweet girlfriends. Some of those friendships are over a decade old. The kind that you know will make it though thick and thin. You know too much about each other for them not be your friend, right?? :) (Just kidding. Sort of.) Some of those friendships are women I have met in the last few years and have come to treasure as a part of my life. I know God placed each woman in my path at the perfect time. I can learn from them, and I can give to them in some way if I take the time.

So my prayer is that each of my friendships with the special women in my life will grow deeper throughout this next year and beyond. I pray I take the time to make that happen. And I promise all my friends to give more effort to our friendships than I did to making friendship bread :)

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