Friday, January 13, 2012

Oh How He Loves Us

I have sat down to write a post a few times in the past week, but just wasn't feeling it and I told myself I wouldn't just write to post for posting's sake. It doesn't mean I didn't have things flowing through my head and heart because I do, but I think I know now why God wasn't allowing them to flow into words on this blog.

Have you ever had instances in your life where the same things keep popping up and you finally realize God is trying to make a point? I have had this a few times, and I've definitely been experiencing it in the past week. I've come to believe there are no such thing as coincidences, but instead as I heard my Mom call them this week "God-incidences". I like that term much better :)

If you've been reading along you know I am working on my prayer life. I am reading The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. It is all about praying bold prayers. Also this week while reading the Bible I read about Elijah. He's a cool dude. Go read about him in 1 Kings. He happens to be a pretty awesome pray-er. (Just made that word up I think - but it works). This week in small group we talked about Jonah. He knows God wants him to do something but he runs away, and ends up in a situation(and a huge fish) where he is praying a heartfelt prayer knowing he has messed it up, but wanting more than anything to get the chance to do it right. Finally in multiple places this week I have been confronted with the verse Exodus 14:14 "The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still".

So all of what I'm reading, all of what God has put in my path this week has led me to know he wants me to be still, pray diligently, keep studying his Word, and rely on him. He is teaching me right now. Preparing me. I may not know what all for, or I may have an idea but not see the full picture yet. But I know he wants the best for me just like any loving Father wants for his child. He wants more for each and every one of us. It's exciting!

A friend of mine shared this video on facebook today. I love this song, and this video is too powerful not to share. I hope you take the time to watch....

Have a wonderful weekend....I am looking forward to a snowy evening spent inside with the fire burning and breakfast for supper with my sweet boys. Perfection :)

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