Sunday, January 1, 2012

Faith Like a Child

Sometimes its easier to get things done on our own. No distractions, nothing and no one to slow us down. For mommies with toddlers, one such thing is grocery shopping. You know what I'm saying if you've experienced this. Recently, I needed to run to the store for just a few items. My nearly 4 year old asked to go with me and at first I said no, he could stay home with Daddy and his little bro. I had waited til Daddy got home from work specifically so I would be able to go alone and get in and out quickly and easily. But C became upset when I said no. He really wanted to go with Mommy. And so a little begrudgingly I relented.

I must say in C's defense nearly 100% of the time he behaves very well. But every child has their moments. You know those young people with no children, or older parents whose children are far past this stage who look at the child throwing a tantrum in public with blame in their eyes? You can just hear their thoughts.... "Oh my child will never/never did act like that!". I have had a few instances where I want to respond to the young chick who hasn't been blessed with stretch marks yet, "Ohhh yes honey, oh yes your child will have a meltdown one day because you told him he could not get Spongebob fruit snacks because you have a box in the pantry already but he clearly thinks 2 boxes is better than 1".

But I digress :) I got Mr. C bundled in his coat and we got in the car. And before the Envoy had even left the garage I heard a sweet voice from the back say "Mommy, why did God make us?". And my heart was humbled. In my desire to hurry and get things done on my own, I could have missed out on the ability to answer a question that my little man had been wondering about, and waiting for a chance to ask his Mommy. So I answered his question as best as I could in nearly 4 year old language, and he seemed pleased. And I would like to say that he acted wonderfully at the store, I got everything I needed, and I enjoyed the one-on-one time with my first born that I have come to treasure since becoming a Mommy of two.

Will I never again go to the store alone? No, of course not. Sometimes I ask C if he would like to come with Mommy and he chooses to stay home and wrestle around and do boy stuff with Daddy, and that's perfectly ok. But I strive to always be open to discussion with my children. At his age, I am the adult C is with most often. I want him to be comfortable coming to me and Daddy with any question or concern. As he grows older and other people become more prominent in his life, I pray God will place spiritual leaders around him who will gave him sound guidance. Be it a teacher, coach, Sunday school teacher, and even his friends and peers throughout school.

When you become a parent you really do see everything through a child's eyes again. God, our Heavenly Father, could do absolutely anything he wanted on his own. But he allows us to be close to him, to know him, to be in a relationship with him. And aren't we "adults" often the ones throwing temper tantrums? We aren't getting what we want when we want it! We don't like being told no, even if our Father says its for our own good. We don't like the "rules" he gives us, even though we may actually thrive when we follow them. We think we can do things better on our own. Besides, we're adults! How dare we be treated like children.

He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them.
And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children,
you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:2-4 NIV

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