Sunday, January 29, 2012

Flu Bug Be Gone

Well friends I was visited by a lovely little bug most people take shots each year to avoid. Yes I woke up early Friday morning with the flu bug. I have to give a public shout-out to my hubby, Nick, for leaving work early Friday and taking care of his sick wife and two little boys all weekend! Luckily the worst of my symptoms were over in about 48 hours but my energy level is still kaput. Although this afternoon I just couldn't take it anymore and did some cleaning. And then I collapsed back into bed with some thin mints and milk that the aforementioned good husband came home from the store with :) Gotta love a man who brings you chocolate after 2 days of not being able to eat anything!


So since my mind is a little all over, so will the content of this post! You may remember me mentioning the book The Circle Maker. Well one of my faves, Lysa TerKeurst, interviewed the author on her website. I had to share the links, there are just 3 short videos about 6 minutes each. I highly suggest taking 20 minutes to watch!
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

As you may have guessed I spent the majority of my weekend in bed or on the couch. Friday I had a very unfortunate experience where our bedroom clicker would not work and the TV was stuck on the Disney channel. At first I felt punished because who wants to watch Wizards of Waverly Place when you have the flu but then I realized God was probably telling me to go to sleep. So I commenced to sleep the rest of the day and when I woke up around 9 p.m....the clicker worked again :)

In other completely non-related news I am up for a phone upgrade. Which is probably a good thing since I currently fear for my life whenever I text because my phone gets very hot and I worry it may blow up in my hands and then what would I do?? So now I must decide whether or not to join the rest of the developed world and get a smart phone, or stick with a boring, basic(less expensive) phone. Droid or IPhone? I know, I know, such a serious first-world decision.

Finally to end this very random post I have to say I have the SAG Awards on TV as I type and can Emma Stone do no wrong?? I just love her and her fashion choices!

As I proof read this post I realize how very random and jumbled it is, haha. So sorry....I'm just going to blame it on the fact that in this weekend I probably had more sleep in one time period than I have since Carsten was born. My brain doesn't know how to handle that much sleep anymore! 

So on that note....goodnight :)

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