Thursday, June 28, 2012

Countdown to Africa: 1 Week!

I am less than one week away from boarding a plane headed to Africa. While the pile of donations and personal things to pack that have taken over our bedroom, the anti malaria pill I just took, and the constant "Are you ready yet??" questions are a continual reminder of how close it is times I still can't believe I'm going. I'm so ready though. I know God is going to do big things through our team and in my heart. I felt that before this week, but that belief has been bolstered the last few days.

I firmly believe Satan knows what is coming in my life and is trying to derail my positive, excited attitude and my growing relationship/dependence on my Lord and Savior. Tuesday evening I was great! Ended the day with a great Bible study with some girlfriends. Woke up Wed. to some unexpected news that affects us financially. Instead of working my brain about how I could "fix" it, I prayed and read the Bible. And cried to him, because he knew it was coming long before I and he will provide. He always does!

I also woke up with a swollen, itchy pinky finger. Weird, right? I had pulled weeds(sans gloves) Tuesday night, so the only thing I can think of is I got into something or bit by something. I felt a little itchy all day, then around 7 last night I literally broke out in hives all over my body. So strange, I don't have any allergies so this was my first experience like that. I took some benadryl and got relief from the itching over night. My rash is a little better today, but still a bit uncomfortable.

As I was thinking over these things I realized Satan is trying to steal my joy and peace over this trip. He wants me uncomfortable and worried. Too bad. My God has gone before me, and I know the outcome. He wins the ultimate battle. I may still have a rash when I get on the plane next week but my focus will not be deterred from my purpose.

So who knows what else may happen before I leave! I pray everything goes smoothly of course, but again, it is in God's hands so therefore I have nothing to worry about :) To God be the glory when his perfect will comes to fruition!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Thankful Tuesday

Back again for Thankful Tuesday! This week I am thankful Nick and I have parents who love being grandparents and are so involved in our sons lives. I am also thankful we live close to both sides of our families. In the future we may move for Nick's job, there is no way of knowing right now. So I am going to be very thankful for the present and all the time we have with them close right now :)

I am thankful for the women's Bible study I am doing with some friends from church this summer!

Thankful to have found a great hair stylist, ha! I had my appointment this evening, and it is so great to just relax and feel a little pampered every 6 weeks - am I right?? :)

Finally I'm thankful for HGTV this week, haha. We are getting ready to re-paint some rooms and I love getting inspired while watching because the professionals are obviously much better at those decisions than me! :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Once again, I'm still here!

Well I am back. Hopefully this time a little more regularly, but no promises considering my recent track record! It seems this summer I have fallen into a routine where I just haven't been on the computer as much, and while there are things I miss about reading blogs, pinterest, and all the rest the internet has to offer when I'm not on for a while....its also nice to take a break from being so "plugged in". It also didn't help the situation when Nick's foot and our laptop had an unfortunate meeting by accident and it is currently out of comission :) so this evening I decided to download the blogger app for my phone and try it out.

My trip is fast approaching. I decided to go last fall, and I must say it is pretty cool all that I have already learned and experienced - and I haven't even left yet. I am starting to get everything around to pack up in these next few weeks. The first trip of the summer for Ordinary Hero is currently in Ethiopia, and it is so thrilling to read the blog and follow their trip and know in a few short weeks I will be experiencing it all first hand!

To follow up on my last post, I did get my tattoo! The pain was nowhere near what I was worried it would be. If you have been in labor, you could handle a tattoo :) I am so pleased with the final result. It means a lot to me. I will do another post on that once I figure out how to add pictures with this app, ha!

Carsten has been enjoying his first season of tball, and we have just 2 games left. We are having a laid back summer and lots of fun, but he does keep asking when school starts again(I'm anxious to see how many years that question will last!).

Royce is so precious. Just the most laid back, relaxed, content, happy baby :) so content in fact that at 10 months we do not have a crawler quite yet, more of a roller :) and not all table food yet, because this little boy just doesn't care to chew quite yet either! I have a feeling all those changes will come at once and soon though. Almost a year old, I can't believe it!

I think I will finish this up for tonight because doing this on my phone I feel like I just typed the worlds longest text message, ha!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Alive and Well

For the few who read this blog and may be wondering...yes I'm still here and no I haven't given up on or forgotten this blog! I just took a little bit of an unplanned "get away" from the blog world for a bit....both reading all my fave blogs and writing on my own. But I'm back and feeling ready to go!

My mission trip is now a little more than a month away! So many emotions as I get ready to leave. But mostly excitement. Excitement for many things - especially what God is going do to me through this experience! I was talking with a friend recently about how we take mission trips to help others, but there is a "good selfishness" (if that makes sense) aspect to mission trips because you know you will gain so much from the trip as well and not just those you are going to serve. Some people argue - Why fundraise and spend thousands of dollars to go there when you could simply give that money to a charity? Well, there are times when giving may be better served, but Jesus also said to go into all the world and show his love, make disciples. Sometimes the giving of a dollar can do that, and sometimes its the human interaction. Also, there is no denying when you feel God's calling on your heart to do something.

I did my first 5k! I did have to walk some - but come on, for this absolute non-runner to decide 7 weeks out that she would attempt a 5k was quite a fete itself! And I finished running. So I am proud I even tried. It fit in with my "just go for it" motto of 2012 :) And I am signed up for another one in July so I guess the craziness will continue....

Tomorrow I am getting my tattoo. I talked about this in a previous post, and the time has come :) It is a very emotional thing for me. It will be pretty simple looking, but there is a lot of meaning going into it. I  have had a working idea of it in my mind for around four years now. Look for pictures and the meaning explained in an upcoming post :)

I just love my church. It is the most "real" group of people I have been associated with. That is not saying I have not been a part of good churches in the past. A lot of it has to do with my own personal growth and my first time as an adult truly being part of a church. But I so, so, so encourage anyone who is reading this to find the same church for themselves. One where you can go when things are great and when things are so messed up and there is love with no judgment either way. Every church should ideally be this way. But I guess what I'm saying is - Don't give up on finding a church that feels like home if you haven't yet. And if you want to come to one in Fort Wayne - May I suggest Christ's Church @ Georgetown :)

I will end with some precious pics of my boys. Life is good!

My sweet blessings

1st Year of T-ball! Go #14!

 Future bookworm like his Mama?

Last day of preschool :) (Don't worry, he has since gotten a haircut, ha!)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thankful Tuesday

Well after missing last week - for no good reason, really - I am back for Thankful Tuesday :)

I am thankful for my husband. I know no matter what that man will never leave my side. He makes sure I know how much he loves me. So grateful for the man God gave me to spend my life with.

I'm thankful for the sweet sounds I hear coming from Carsten's bedroom down the hall. We put him to bed but he is currently in a conversation with his stuffed animals.

Thankful for God's timing in all aspects of my life. It's funny how I can look back and see his hand at work, yet sometimes its hard to remember that while thinking of the future. Anyone else deal with that? You know, the whole being human thing?

My mission trip is officially PAID for! Anything more that is donated will go towards donations I will be taking. SO thankful for that!!

What are you thankful for this week?

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17

Friday, April 13, 2012

Mom to Boys

If you are visiting from Kelly's Korner, welcome! I am linking up to today's post for Moms of all boys.

In 2008 we were blessed with Carsten....

Then in 2011 little Royce came along...

I am blessed to be able to stay home with these two, and I thank God for that everyday. I am what you would call a "girly girl", so playing trucks and building castles and forts and helping dress a little superhero in his costume isn't something that I would guess would come naturally to me. But I do it, and I enjoy it! I take great pride in raising these little boys to be men of God.

I am fairly new to blogging, but much of what I have written about so far has to do with parenting these two. So if you feel you can relate - please hang out and introduce yourselves! I have already seen what a great community the blogging world can be and I'm excited to make some friendships!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Thankful Tuesday

It is Thankful Tuesday again, a weekly roundup of a few things my heart is feeling thankful for!

This little cutie is 8 months old today.
This last month was pretty big - his first few teeth and sitting up all on his own!
Thankfully, teething hasn't been too hard on him.

Thankful for this reminder in my Jesus Calling devotion today:
"Things that are visible are brief and fleeting, while things that are invisible are everlasting."

Feeling overwhelming gratefulness for all who have contributed to my trip to Ethiopia.

I'm thankful I completed the first week of my couch to 5k app and am still alive to type about it.
That's a big deal when you have never, ever liked to run.
Really - that's possibly the most I've ran since junior high track.
It's just not my thing.

But - a friend asked me to do a 5k with her, and to keep myself accountable,
I said yes.
I am thankful for accountability.
Because between you and me, there ain't no other way I would be running a 5k!

Finally, I am thankful that on this upcoming weekend we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Without him, without his death, without his resurrection,
I would not have the life I have.

His mercies are new everyday.
And for that, I am thankful.